Duke Student Government
What is DSG? Duke Student Government (DSG) is the official governing body of undergraduate students at Duke. DSG acts as the principal liaison between students and the Duke administration and oversees the funding and approval of student organizations on campus. DSG represents the student voice at Duke, lobbying for policies and programs that better the undergraduate experience. DSG has a long history of success in both on campus student ventures, as well as beyond.
Letter from the President
Dear Duke Students,
My name is Heather Raslan, and it is one of my greatest joys to serve as your DSG President for the 2024-25 school year. The vision for my administration is based off the experience of our executive team and what students have shared with us. As such, our goals are focused on improving DSG’s internal infrastructure to allow us to find success in building partnerships with campus organizations and bringing project work that serves students and the community.
Now half-way though the year, I can reflect on the work DSG has done so far towards these goals and what’s left to accomplish in the spring. Internally, we have compiled resources and project tracking for every committee to allow for stronger centralization of progress and sustainability of work from year to year as transitions occur. The implementation of the Committee 101 mentorship program allowed new senators to jump into project work in a structured format to allow introduction to the project process and allow them to understand how DSG operates and their role in its work.
Building community partnership can be difficult to master since the core of our mission is to build sustainable partnership. While leadership teams can meet with other leadership teams, with
every yearly transition progress is lost. Our goals for this year are to not only solidify DSG’s role as a resource to organizations, but to implement a structure that lends to consistent communication regardless of who’s in the executive roles in following years. When creating the Cabinet roles for the year, we implemented a Pratt Affairs position for the first time to ensure consistent project work geared toward Pratt experience and communication with Engineering Student Government. In the fall, we hosted a Multicultural Student Leader Dinner where we were able to introduce DSG’s leadership teams and learn more about our peer leaders on
campus. Looking to the spring, we are hoping to collaborate with the groups we have been meeting with to create a committee oriented to communicating work across these organizations and offer more consistent avenues of partnership.
At the core of building a stronger DSG with sustainable partnerships is to be an organization that can offer services and programs for students. We were able to debut multiple new opportunities for students this fall and are looking forward to more in the spring. I am proud of the role DSG was able to play for administrators on bringing social life to Central Campus, and how this may continue to be an avenue for safe, inclusive environment for groups. The pilot of
the shuttles to RDU, free of cost for students during Thanksgiving break, was an important step to solidify the program, and we are using the results of the experience to ensure success for its
DSG is built by students for students, and the most powerful mechanism we have for improving the student experience is student feedback. We are a resource for any student, group, or organization in any way we can be, so don’t hesitate to reach out and connect!
Reach us at dsg@duke.edu!
Heather Raslan
When do we meet?
For the 2023-2024 academic year, Senate meetings will be held in-person every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET in Schiciano B.
All meetings are open to the public up to capacity.

Weekly Senate Updates
Senators meet weekly to discuss current projects and better our Duke community. Check back every week to see what they’ve been up to!
- April 17, 2024The DSG Senate started off this week’s meeting with announcements and the confirmation of the Executive Board, Associate Vice Presidents, and Senators. They then moved on to committee and executive board updates, followed by new… Read More »April 17, 2024
- February 28, 2024The DSG Senate started off the evening by discussing Democracy Day on Friday, March 1st, they then touched on the upcoming visit from the mayor on March 20th. They moved on to highlight the many… Read More »February 28, 2024